Settings Configuration

Under Settings | Version Control | Azure DevOps, you can configure the plugin in different ways.

Azure DevOps

Here you can add or remove Azure DevOps accounts

Clone Git Using SSH

When enabled, the plugin will use SSH to clone Git repositories from Azure DevOps.

General Preferences Configuration

The following options are available:

Automatically mark opened files as viewed

When enabled, the plugin will automatically mark opened files as viewed when you open them in the editor.

Enable automatic update

When enabled, the plugin will automatically check for updates when Pull Request details are opened. You can set the update interval in the settings.

Respect Proxy Configuration

When enabled, the plugin will use the proxy settings configured in the IDE.This is useful when you are behind a proxy server and need to access Azure DevOps services.

UI Customization

You can customize the appearance of the plugin by changing the following settings:

Adopt Azure DevOps UI style

When enabled, this option to change the plugin UI to look more like Azure DevOps UI.

This adjustment will align the visual elements and layout of the plugin with Azure DevOps, offering a more familiar interface for Azure DevOps users.


Boards and Work Items

The following options are available:

Show work Items from all Projects

When enabled, work items from other projects available in the selected Organization/Collection will be displayed for linking Pull Requests.


Pipeline and Tests

The following options are available:

Show Pipelines from all repositories

By default, only pipelines from the current repository are displayed in the plugin. When enabled, all pipelines will be displayed in the plugin.

Tests Extension

This text field helps the plugin to identify a local Test and connect to the Azure DevOps Test response body to enable a smooth navigation between the test show from the AZD Pipeline UI.

Last modified: 25 January 2025