Azd Settings Configuration

Under Settings | Version Control | Azure DevOps, you can configure the plugin in different ways.

General Configuration

The following options are available:

Show all Projects members

When disabled, only users that belong to the current repository's project are shown. Enabling this option will display all members across different projects, not just those from the current project. Be aware that enabling this feature may affect performance, especially if there are a large number of users across projects.

Send usage and exceptions statistics

When enabled, you help improve the plugin by sending anonymous data about exceptions and action statistics. Note that this will not include personal data or sensitive information.

UI Customization

You can customize the appearance of the plugin by changing the following settings:

Adopt Azure DevOps UI style

When enabled, this option to change the plugin UI to look more like Azure DevOps UI.

This adjustment will align the visual elements and layout of the plugin with Azure DevOps, offering a more familiar interface for Azure DevOps users.


Boards and Work Items

The following options are available:

Show work Items from all Projects

When enabled, work items from other projects available in the selected Organization/Collection will be displayed for linking Pull Requests.

Last modified: 28 August 2024